A list of our Tame Koi in our pond in the autumn
The year beside the name of the koi relates to
the year it was hatched
Zetus from 2002
A Female Chagoi from
Marusei Koi Farm (better known as Hirasawa)
Bought in 2004
40 cm
45 cm
50 cm
2007: 60
cm 2008:
62 cm |
Camilla’s absolute favourite
and the labrador of our pondJ
Always to find where
there is food offered and loves to
Follows us around
the pond in our projects. Managed once to suck on the tongue of our
dog and furthermore one of our cats to beg for food! Was bought as a
male but turned out to be a female in the summer 2006 where she
spawned eggs all overJ
Have quite a lot shimis
but she is still
a ”must” in our pond.. |
Sne (Snow) from 2002
A Male Doitsu. Platinum
Ogon from unknown breeder in China
Bought in 2004
45 cm
48 cm
51 cm
2007: 57
cm 2008:
57 cm |

Patrick wanted him in the
pond from the first time he saw him and no wonder
He moves so gracefully that we simply forget time as we are totally
fascinated by him.
Can be a bit annoying
when he swims up at the side of another koi making their white colour
look a bit yellow for just a moment! A true example that Chinese Koi
not always are poor in colour.
Silke (Silk) from 2002
Female Doitsu. Hajiro
from unknown breeder in China
Bought in 2004
43 cm
46 cm
50 cm
60 cm
2008: 61
cm |
Maria’s ”ugly creature”
which she adores (so do other koikeepers but
she is not for sale).
is a bandit and you need to watch out for your fingers when
she sucks
the food out of your had very hard and at the same time chases the
other koi away. Gets stressed
but only when the heat (netting) is over and then she jumps.
If we did not know better
she would
the the blonde of our pond.J |
Perle (Pearl) from 2003
A Female Soragoi from
Marusei Koi Farm (better known as Hirasawa)
Bought in 2004
19 cm
35 cm
41 cm
55 cm
55 cm
Bought as a tiny baby but
already a vigorous lady with quite an appetite. She nearly killed
herself twice in the summer 2006 as she tried to eat a frog that
unintentionally jumped in the pond and almost suffocated. |
Lucky from 2004
Yondan Budo Goromo
from Japan
Bought in 2005
13 cm
34 cm
42 cm
44 cm
Bought as a tiny baby koi and has until
now spent the winters inside with Zafir until 2006 where it is time to
step up and stay in the pond.
We get more and more
excited with it’s ai-sashi as it grows and though
it is a bit pale in the picture because it has been inside it is now
very dark orange brown and just beautiful. |
Spirit from 2004
Yamabuki Ogon from
unknown breeder in China
Bought in 2005
35 cm
39 cm
50 cm
50 cm

If we were ever going to buy a yamabuki
ogon it had to bee this koi that is very sunshine yellow in its color
and not so pale as many yamabuki are.
However this picture is
taken in the spring when it is very pale because it has overwintered
under styrene. But at the end of the summer it is very dark yellow and
beautiful when the sun reflects in its scales.
Zoe from 2003
A Female Tancho Showa
from Marudo Koi Farm
Bought in 2005
43 cm
46 cm
51 cm
Maria’s dream come true
when she was brought home from Japan. She has all the things we would
look for in a Tancho and is a vulominous lady that will be as broad as
she is long if we do not push her away from the food at times.
spot and a characteristic black due to the bloodline from which she
originates. |
Leika from 2003
Female Tancho Sanke from
Konishi Koi Farm
Bought in 2006
46 cm
52 cm
54 cm
Bit of a funny story as
Maria in 2005 phoned around to ask for a Tancho Sanke as she had
already seen this one but thought it was to expensive and Patrick that
it had too little black on it and probably to come. And yet it ended
in our pond, so the lesson would be to buy the koi the first time you
see it and not to wait. A beautiful classic Tancho Sanke with no black
in the spot and the black that has already come on to the surface is
not in that big patches at it almost resembles a Tancho Showa which
many sanke do nowadays. A pleasure to have it in our pond instead of
watching it on a dealers websiteJ |
Thor from 2004
A Male Tancho Kohaku from
Ogata Koi Farm
Bought in 2006
42 cm
2007: 46
2008: 46 cm
Patrick’s number one
among koi. We have been luckless with this type of koi before. The
first one jumped the pond in 2004 and afterwards we bought a new one
in 2005 which we only had for few days before she jumped into the net
and damaged her spot. This one has a deep red tancho and so with
jittery nerves (perhaps the type just brings us bad karma) we took the
chance and bought him. Luckily he is quite calm and we try to avoid
bringing the net around him so that we do not make the same mistake
twice. |
Spir (Spire) from 2005
Male Ai Goromo from Isawa
Nishikigoi Centre (better known as Toshio Sakai or just Sakai)
Bought in 2006
20 cm
44 cm
45 cm
A flowery pattern but
very delicious koi when it comes to colour
and scales and it has already started the process of making blue edges
on the outer 1/3 of the scale so we bought it to grow in our pond. |
from 2005
Sandan Kohaku from
Sakai Fish Farm (better known as Sakai Hiroshima or just SFF)
Bought in 2006
22 cm
37 cm
40 cm
Maybe the sibling of the koi below.
A bit more slim
with a sandan pattern. It is not a ginrin koi but posesses
a lot of reflective scales that probably will be toned
down as it matures. |
Kenai from 2005
A Nidan Kohaku from
Sakai Fish Farm (better known as Sakai Hiroshima or just SFF)
Bought in 2006
22 cm
37 cm
37 cm
The best of the two small koi-siblings
that we bought at the same time.
A little nidan with broad
shoulders and very pretty odome and kiwa and sashi. Promising future
we hope and very curious when we enter the room at the indoor
quarantine facility. |
Eris from 2003
A Shiro Utsuri from
Omosako Koi Farm
Bought in 2006
2006: 50
cm. 2007:
54 cm
2008: 54 cm |
Original not the one that we had our
eyes set on but when we arrived at the deealer he immediately cought
our eyes and won our hearts.
He has a deep black
thick colour
and a creamy delicious white (this picture is takes when he was indoor
at the dealer but after having been in our pond some time now he has
developed the thickness of especially the black again).. A charming
head pattern and he should probably have been named something with a
“V” but Camilla decides the names of the koi and so it became
Eris. |
Cera fra 2005
En Female Aka Matsuba fra
Bought in
2006: 40
2007: 50 cm
2008: 51 cm

a female with personality. Had, when we bought her in 2006, a
beautiful clean face. However, some of the ghost genes that are in the
matsuba string have taken over and has led to shimis around the nose
but it is fortunately regular and symmetrical. In contrast to her
shimis, she has beautiful regular scales all the way which are very
beautiful and all equally coated and that is the reason why we picked
Smutter fra 2006
A Shiro Utsuri
from Hosokai
Bpught in 2006
25 cm
2007: 40 cm
2008. 43 cm
A nice
Shiro Utsuri that we simply needed to own as they don’t exactly mass
produce them in the north (Niigata area). It has motoguro in all of
its fins and a nice head pattern so it slipped right into our
shopping basket, hence the name in Danish. Is a little yellow in the
face, hopefully it will grow from it when the color thickens with age.
Has clearly a different kind of black and white compared to Eris that
is from Omosako in the south, but both are a must in the pond.
Myaki fra 2005
A Male Showa from Conias
Bought in 2007
40 cm
47 cm
49 cm.
He has
beautifully symmetrical motogoro in the finns, deep thick color both
in the red and black and a beautiful white background to 'finish it
all off on. " The only minus for him is that he is somewhat thin in
body shape, but lets see in the years to come, showa are somewhat
different in bodyshape as kohaku and especially male showa until they
Hotlips fra 2006
A Female Kucbibeni Showa
from Isawa Nishikigoi Centre (better known as Toshio Sakai or just Sakai)
Bought in 2007
30 cm
2007/9: 41 cm
2008: 44
Perfect kissing lips and a beautiful skin quality. Bigger red markings
than our other koi but with a purpose and why we chose her insted of
may others. |
Shadow fra 2006
A Female Yondan Showa
from Sakai Fish Farm
Bought in 2007
22 cm
2007/9: 30 cm
2008: 34
long-sought yondan (4-step) Showa for the future. It will be an
exciting process to see it mature and follow the development of sumi
on a beautiful kohaku background. It is a little pale in color because
it has been in our in door quarantine but hopefully the colors should
be allowed to develop fully again in real sun and open air and also in
the years to come.
Starfire from 2006
An Inazuma Showa
from Sakai Fish Farm
Bought in 2007
23 cm
2007/9: 27 cm
2008: 35 cm |
A beautiful
inazuma Showa which is a real charmer and we look forward to seeing it
mature together with our four step showa we bought at the same time.
Is also a little pale having being kept indside and because of its age
so we look forward to the years to come and the process of
Dust from 2007
A Goshiki from Sakai Fish Farm
Bought in 2008
2008/7: 22cm
A "goshiki-light" bought especially because of this because
our water is very hard and very quickly brings out the black on the
red and white background. Also a koi for the future. |
Akela from 2006
A Showa from Dainichi
Bought in 2007:
2007: 45 cm
A very lovely and long wanted showa which is intense in its colors and
we look very much forward to following her mature in our pond and
hopefully she keeps her beauty |
Tika from
A Maruten Sanke
from Sakai Fish Farm
Bought in 2008
2008/7: 25cm
A sanke with bigger patches of black than ther former strings. Very
clear in its colors. Growths very fast. |
Shiva from
AKuchibeni Sanke
from Sakai Fish Farm
Bought in 2008
2008/7: 23cm
A sanke with more classic black patches than the one above. Lovely red
nose and very strong in colors too. |